Maneuvrable STRUCTURE
Axpet® plastic
Studio Moritz Putzier
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Architectural Concept
Folding process
Inspired by the japanese art of origami I developed the idea to transfer folded structures into the conception of lightweight construtions. I am particulary excited by exploiting the possibilities of different materials and to find out how folding principles can generate a movement of the surface.
Maneuvrable Structure is based on fundamental geometric studies. Pointed notches create a segmentation of the surface into a regular grid enabling the transformation from a twodimensional unstabel sheet into a three-dimensional structure that combines both stability and flexI-
bility. The hinge effect that arises at the bent edges of the special material Axpet® allows a movable pattern that is reversible several times. Furthermore it is possible to create a spherical deformed surface that is controllable by moving single segments.
These folded plastic structures are ready to be used by designers and architects whenever a flexible texture is required. Therefore the
realization of lightweight dome constructions or movable building facades come to mind instantaneously. Furthermore technical features such as moving systems or in another dimension even packaging - and 3D sandwich material are areas where the structures could boost performance in terms of both stability and flexibility.